Monday, May 14, 2018

An important discovery

Last month at my Toltec Mitote ceremony, our wise and wonderful Rainbow Marifrog shared an observation she'd noted with her shamanic eyes: how I hold myself back. In that instance the observation pertained to the Baby Jags group who started the Toltec work I began last year in May. Rainbow saw how I held myself at a distance from them. When she asked me about it I immediately recognized the accuracy of her observation, which became the invitation I've been working with ever since: why do I hold myself at a distance from others?

Oh my. What I found within is something I've carried most of my life. I have perceived the world and people around me as potential threats to my tender young heart. Growing up with a mother who is an addict prompted a pattern of awareness that served to protect me, but as I aged the pattern became a barrier to intimacy. I have held myself at a remove, paralyzed by fear of rejection and judgement.

An addict's first love, their highest priority is their substance or means of numbing themselves. I was a highly sensitive child, empathetic, vulnerable - and I experienced my mother's addiction as rejection. To this day I experience addiction as rejection, which is why it's hard for me to be around someone who is actively addictive.

My father was loving, and I have 2 brothers who I know care about me. Love, music and laughter were alive in our home. I think I've been perceived by others as a happy person: light, loving, fun.

Unbeknownst to even me there has been a kernel of fear churning within, knocking around, gaining mass. My goal is, that as I face this fear, confront the lie of rejection and judgement, that a pearl will emerge - shimmering with compassion, forgiveness and mercy.

I have lost many opportunities to engage with people I genuinely love. My intention moving forward is to be present to what is and stop searching every interaction with a negative bias, to notice the beauty in those I encounter.

This scares me, my inner little girl. I read this moving blogpost from a woman, Angeliska,
learning to self-mother/reparent herself. It is a poignant read that resonated deeply. Luckily for me I've got a tribe (a tribe a rarely reach out to, because of this fear) of support and Milo to help me on my way.

pictured: Milo

I've got work to do, but hey, I think this is why we're here.

An important discovery

Last month at my Toltec Mitote ceremony, our wise and wonderful Rainbow Marifrog shared an observation she'd noted with her shamanic ey...